I ok, I tested Opera 9.5 15316 version (thx Calcu)....I'm really liking this version, Internet tab works 100% along w/ the favs, the home page loads not the blank page, links from start/favorites work, and the video sites link from the programs/multimedia folder now work. the only strange thing I found is w/ the zoom....double tap to zoom in, but i cant find a zoom bar....to manually zoom in/out, you have to use the d-pad....which is fine w/ me.
I recooked all 3 roms, i did not change the version #, just rebuilt & uploaded.
Originally Posted by akates
With this new ROM will Opera run from the internet tab? I really like your ROM but I really need Opera to work correctly. That's the main reason I bought this phone
yes, rebuilt rom works great
Originally Posted by Cha0sc0ntroll
in addition to the opera thing, the music player doesn't seem to function correctly on the sprint with icons rom. I reflashed my diamond, but it didn't fix it. It won't let me scroll through the music if you understand what I am saying, just goes to the next song.
I just tested, I play a sing, then hit the up or down arrow & it play the next or previous song.
Originally Posted by dgreen1
Great ROM. I love all the icons, games, & programs installed on here. Only problem I have is that the internet sharing / tether feature will not work. It says check USB cable connection. Any help would be appreciated.
well it should say check USB cable until you plug in the USB cabel, lol.....I just tested it, worked fine....what OS are u running on your pc?