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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2006, 01:51 AM
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The Enforcer
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Ok so here's my latest...

* iLauncher v3.0.01 (fixed freezing issue when going to settings)
* phonealarm Lite! v1.54 w/Jinks' e-mail skin - awaiting v1.55!
* WeatherPanel with one of Malatesta's themes and Nova Animated icons
* TodayAgenda (0.9.2 beta) - fixed height to keep iLauncher at the bottom
* Resco Explorer w/registry and today plug-in (not in use) - is this a good program? I'm liking so far but want to hear other opinions before buying it.
* SlingPlayer Mobile
* Skype for 312Mhz processors
* Sprite Backup
* UPX4PPC - if anyone has a guide on how to use it, or can give me some pointer I'd appreciate it, I have no idea how to use it

I added screenshots of all my tabs on iLauncher for the heck of it.
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