Sprint (Verizon) Touch Screen.... "good" (verizone like screen) owners.
Hello! Well first off, i KNOW there are different screens, the ones that cannot be seen at every angle, and those (like the Verizon) that can be seen without the washout.
I have gone through insurance to replace my broken touch, I received a refurbished touch. Right out of the box, I noticed it had a different screen without even powering it up. Once powered the screen looks better, however, the whites don't seem as white, more like an off white/eggshell.
Is this normal for those of you with the "good screens" Sprint or Verizon owners, for the white to not be "white" but more of an eggshell?
I would hate to return the phone for yet ANOTHER phone. when I actually enjoy this "good screen" besides for its off white color.