Originally Posted by pask2155
due there is not picture there. any others out there though?
If you mean you don't know how to get them from computer to your phone to actually use...you have to use Manilla Editor and change the manilla files accordingly. Here is the thread to use:
I know its long - but I definately suggest reading the entire forum first - as you'll see what all bumps people had a long the way. It cuts down on frustration when something goes wrong - cause guaranteed someone else has already done it.
If you're looking to make a full theme it can be tedious cause you can literally change every single thing - but if you just looking to change the icons - remember the HERO ones are the bigger ones you see in middle of screen when you select/hold down an icon.
Its fun once you get the hang of it. I'm a huge L Word fan so been thinkin of making a few L Word icons to rock since it premiers soon!