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Old 01-13-2009, 04:17 PM
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Weather not accurate on HTC WeatherCities


Anyone noticed that the temp given by accuweather and the temp given by the htc widget is different?

For example I'm testing Montreal, Canada and on HTC is is showing currently -4C with a H:-3C and L:-23C... while on it is showing -2C with a H:-1C and L:-21C

similarly I added Town of Pierrefonds, QC in the xml and checked the weather through HTC it dispolays Currently -3C, H:-2C, L:-22C

I'm checking for Melbourne, Australia also and the temperature are not the same.... 1 to 2C difference??? Am I checking the right site?

I thought HTC is using the same source as

here's what I added
<city name="Pierrefonds, CA" loca="NAM|CA|QC|PIERREFONDS" land="Canada"/>|&u=1

if you check for Montreal,CA|MONTREAL|&u=1