Re: 1/9/09 Conflippers Alltel Touch Pro ROM (5.2.20759 Build 20759) UC
I'm having trouble changing the pagepool using a hex editor. What is the string I need to be searching for? I tried the usual one, but no luck. I even changed the first number to 04, because as a multiple of 4 you get 16, which is what you said the page pool is on this rom. Still no luck. I wanted to change it to a dynamic page pool, and it's my understanding you can only change to static page pool settings using the page pool changer.
SOOO, what exact string do I need to search for to change the page pool on your rom?
I'm old school PPCGeeks, been a member since ground zero '06. Where's the love?
I was a member back when Wideawake was just Awake...