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Old 01-13-2009, 12:50 PM
temp-999's Avatar
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Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen

2) Update DOES work, just not so well. Try checking just one thing at a time. If that doesn't work, visit and grab the files manually. It'll be much easier through updater for you.

Yah... I've already done a one-by-one dl...
that's how I've ended-up NOT having . and PPCKitchens_OEM not being downloaded.
I also already tried doing a direct download (which is VERY hard to find if you've logged-in {downloads DON'T show in the page-bar when logged in}).

BuildOS still wants to update itself.
PPCKitchens_OEM still shows "new version available"

So... where am I messing up?

addendum: PK_OEM gets to 99% done before fail/rollback, just in case I didn't mention it before.
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