01-13-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: treo 700wx spc
Originally Posted by Bearxor
Hello richtere, welcome to the forums.
Your best bet would be to call Sprint CS and explain the situation. Depending on the rep, they may give you the MSL so you can put the phone number you want on there.
Another problem, however, is that there is no way to bring a PRL in to the 700wx. Therefore, you will likely be roaming the entire time you're using your phone (I don't know how many CDMA carriers there are down there).
You can also try to install a firmware upgrade currently offered by the carrier you are signing up with and see if it works for you.
Sprint has the MSL. No one else. You will have to get it from them or the original owner if he/she is smart. I always included the MSL of my phones written on a piece of paper on any used phone I sold.
How would I find my MSL code? If I was the original owner?