Originally Posted by captblaze
having the same issue too and even when i delete the partnership with my PC it leaves the contacts place and then duplicates them when i reestablish the partnership. i am gonna try a ROM without outlook enchancements enabled and will post results.
even with outlook enhancments disabled the issue with contacts remains. cannot delete and WMDC shows an error in syncing...
The following contacts failed to synchronize from the desktop:
1. Filed as: Mike & Ann
2. Filed as: Applebee's
3. etc
even though i receive that message, my contacts are on the phone
Okay, found a workaround...
Take kitchen version 1.02.09c and copy over the OEM folder to 09b (backup the 09b OEM folder if you want to first) and build the ROM using the 09b kitchen. This gives you the fixed PRL, volume control, and the ability to install your cabs during customization. The contacts, prl, and volume control are all okay plus you get the new packages from 09c.