Originally Posted by tom6433
glad its not the rom, but like i said while using that rom was the only time i had had this issue. once back on the oem rom i noticed teh issue went away so i flashed JD's ultimate and seem to still be ok. not sure what happened, but like i said i will give this kitchen another shot soon enough.
If it happened to several people on the same rom then I would say it was a rom issue. What I have seen over the last few months (yes, since at least Nov) there will be one or two people that post these issues in any one of the custom rom threads. There are just as many if not more that are running stock rom with the same issues. The common denominator here is that it's always Sprint users.
Common problems are:
Multiple text messages getting sent multiple times
Text messages coming in very late or not receiving them at all
Calls not coming in but going straight to voice mail
Calls not coming in and not even getting a voice mail notification.
It's random and not phone or rom specific. It's a Sprint problem but it doesn't effect everyone and it doesn't even effect everyone on the same account. It's wierd.