Originally Posted by tonyh750
It doesnt really help to report problems. My guess would be that you'd be best off returning it now and dealing with your mougle. Reason being is that with this new phone being release, they are going to want to keep it for NEW customers, to help bring them in. I doubt they are going to want to just give you one for your pro because you have had issues.
I mean it would be nice, but I doubt it will happen.
I dont think that is correct. We all know that Sprint is hurting. They are putting up a good front to the customer like nothing is wrong, but we know better. Retention of existing customers is just as important to them as new customers, if not more important. For example, I recently got an Airave for free and no monthly fee because after I moved my new location is just outside of the coverage area. I was asured that if I didnt get reception I could cancel my contract without an early termination fee. After speaking with the retentions group I was setup with the airave. Now I get full bars in my house and everything is great. Keeping existing customers is very important to Sprint.