Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]
Release coming tonight... here is what I have so far:
[+] Added Task Facade 3.8.5
[+] Sensory Overload
[+] Diamond Hologram
[+] DiamondTV
[+] Mocha FTP Server
[+] Pandora Radio (Not VGA - There are some display issues but it works.)
[+] ATI D3D Drivers from the Diamond
[ ] Upgrade Real Dice Poker to VGA version
[ ] Fixed MusicID Shortcut
[ ] Press and hold the "green" button brings up TaskFacade
[ ] 3D Games and Youtube are very smooth now.
I should post by midnight CST.
-- Kevan
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