Re: 2009 HTC OEM Products
wow saw my last login for this site, Febuary 04, 2008.
almost a year.
anyways, I'm thinking that the 'W' concerns CDMA in general it's just a codename, but then the Jasper C (For Sprint) throws me out entirely (WiMax Capable?). I was thinking 'ID' stands for Initial Device, meaning Sprint's flasgship phone this year? Or it could mean Industrial Design, so it could be a replacement design for the Tungsten W.
Anyone notice the Sprint Logo on the Willow W? I think that's our Smartphone/MotoQ/T-mobileExcalibur version.
Does anyone know if Topaz C is the next Diamond for Sprint?
amazing year in PPC development for Sprint if they get all three devices out according to plan. With this and the Palm Pre and the rumored Samsung Android device, it should be killer. I'm hoping that Jasper C comes with Android, that would be great, I think the hint is in the build of the phone.
Last edited by HChristianS; 01-12-2009 at 10:13 PM.