Holy jesus!
Okay so I installed that radio upgrade.
On soft reset, I couldn't browse at all... so I soft reset again.
I've NEVER gotten a speed result of 737 on the 1MB test on DSL Reports at home. I usually get 400 tops. The EVDO signal gets really weak in my apartment...
I'm going to load up Opera and see what I get on testmy.net....
EDIT: WOW! 838 first test (2992KB file), 924 second, 775 third
Upload: 106.
I only ran the upload test once because that's not as important to me...
But previously, I was getting about 64 on uploads at home.
I can't wait to see what I get at work tomorrow. This is insane! At work, I usually pull those numbers... so lets see what I pull now.
Thank you so much for the post!
I also noticed that pages literally FLY onto the browser... the lag time for the connection has been greatly reduced!