Re: WIFI problem?
look i know im not the most seasoned guy here, but what the heck r you guys telling him to do.. he downloaded the stock rom from HTC, he does need to unlock anything, plus he didnt know how to do it anyways, so why suggest it.. and now its screwed..
here my question though to the OP, what are you using as your access point?? if your merely flicking on wifi on your phone, and searching for network with your comp...that wont work.. as standard your phone is meant to RECIEVE a wifi signal, not send out..
you need wmwifirouter(strongly recommend) or pdanet or whatever its called... these turn your phone into an Ad-Hoc acces point... now your laptop will then find your phones signal..
as for your security setting.. i use wmwifirouter and its set to open, and its WEP encrypt protected so noone else can use it..
i use this all day everyday without fail or question...
wmwifirouter gives you 21 days for free to try it out..30 bucks one time after...i promise you its the best 30 youll ever spend...afterall, youll never pay comcast, cell carrier, etc a dime for internet access again on your comp...