I have a request. Calcu in your alltel arcsoft cab, is it possible to reconfigure it to this so it will default all to storage card?
<characteristic type="
HKLM\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\Folder">
<parm name="
TemplatePath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\UAContents\Templates\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
UAContentsPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\UAContents\MMS UA\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
SVGFontPath" value="
\windows\Arail.amf" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
EmoticonPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\UAContents\Emoticon\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
RecordPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\My Records\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
UnknownPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\UnknownType Files\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
CannedTextFile" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\UAContents\CannedText_0409.bin" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
GenericPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
SoundPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\My Sounds\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
VideoPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\My Videos\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
PicturePath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\My Pictures\" datatype="
string" />
<parm name="
BlacklistPath" value="
\Internal Storage\My Documents\UAContents\Blacklist.txt" datatype="
string" />