Originally Posted by cxi
I'd be happier with something that replaced HTC GPS Tool that actually saved settings, or was a simple "Start GPS" app that didn't require you to set com ports, chip types, etc to get going. I don't see a need for aGPS, but I live in the country. City folk might have more of a need?
What are you even using HTC GPS Tool for? Also, at least for me, there's no need to change any settings in HTC GPS Tool to get a lock.
Have you installed QGPS? That's what's important to have. Once you have that, you are pretty much looking at 5-30 seconds locks in any GPS enabled program.
Lastly, to follow up on my post just above, Q(uick)GPS does fit all of the criteria that I said would be important for an aGPS release. It's reversible, uses no battery and is easy to apply.