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Old 09-27-2006, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by kaiguy
Malatesta, that Valksoft TrueToolbar looks pretty sweet. Does it have good 1-handed support?
Not to configure but you really only do that first time you run it.

Once it's running, yeah it's great. Basically I can just navigate down there and I'll get a standard "Selected Item" highlight over eash icon. When I click it'll switch to that app.

It could be better though: for instance if you hold down your stylus over each icon, a submenu pops up which includes closing the app, "hiding" it from TrueToolbar (great for AS), etc. I have not found a way to do that via press/hold Enter key, which is usually how that works.

In fact maybe I'll drop them a note about that. All in all though, I just like knowing what is running in the background and it's great for "calling up" my Verichat program which idles in the background.

Also, consider DevState posted in the PPC software section and recently updated. It has a quick launch and a running task section. Only difference is that's a Today Plugin and this is not. Nice app thougha and it's free.
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