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Old 01-12-2009, 12:37 AM
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Re: Touch Pro from Best Buy with $100 Sprint Rebate

Originally Posted by nursemm05 View Post
I can't speak for others but I did not get the $100 rebate off. I got my upgrade discount off. I paid the same at best buy I would have if I went to sprint. no extra money off.
No, that's not true. You paid $299 (or $199 if you got in on the sale) at BB, right? That price is with the $100 rebate already applied. If you buy it from Sprint (according to their website) you pay $399.99 in the store and get $100 by mail. So if you get it at BB and manage to get the rebate honored, you are absolutely double dipping.

I love a great deal, but as someone pointed out, Sprint's in pretty bad shape. I'd like them to stick around long enough for me to get some use out of this phone.
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