Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
Er...how can you not see this?
Note the Free side, of course.
I'm used to looking for a "download" button. And upon clicking "download" a window normally pops up asking for where I want to download. It doesn't work that way with this service.
You have a page of advertising in which you press "Free". This then brings you to another huge page of animated advertisements. And nothing happens. There is no pop up window asking me where to download any file - just a wall of advertising for their download services. Hmmmm....what is wrong? So, you back out of the page wondering what went wrong..
But wait, whats this? ....Upon further investigation....there is a little timer nestled in the ads that indicates you have a "download ticket" pending and you have to wait for the timer to go off. You can avoid the timer next time if you pay them. It is apparently a weird way for them to literally annoy you into paying.
OK. Spiffy. I've never used that service before. Now I have. Now I know how it works.
* And now I have that .NET installed on my phone.
* And I was able to run the Monger program and see the nifty yellow map of My Storage. It does look stunning.
* And now I'm trying to understand what I'm seeing. And, hopefully, how to delete the crap off My Storage so I can use my phone again.
Note to self and others who may use this program:
When you click on it, nothing happens. You just get a blank white screen. Ignore this. Apparently it is supposed to do this. Look instead for a small softkey in the lower left that says "Scan".