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Old 01-11-2009, 07:44 PM
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Re: HTC Volume Font - Not a size issue

Do u think u can post the cab for the clock?? thanks

Originally Posted by MrHawaii View Post
This was a very long process for me, I had to edit the font install on phone, delete from phone, re-edit and reinstall. I think I did that about 20 times to get the font I wanted the right size. So if you have enough time on your hand, here is what you will need to get started.

Use the font editor from this post. Open the font you are trying to use in your case the Star Wars font. Do the autonaming thing like the post suggested.

Now here is how you edit the size of the font (letters/numbers/characters).
Select all Glyphs, then go to Tools/Glyph Transformer. Double Click on Outlines to open up the full menu, and then click on "Scale". Press the right arrow next to it to bring it to the "Script". Then below you can choose what percentage Vertical and Horizontal you want to edit the fonts.

Now you can decrease/increase the white space above and below the font. Just remember it has to be higher than the tallest point of the tallest character in your font and lower than the lowest point of the lowest character in your font. Go to Format/Settings, then metrics tab on top. Win Ascent is the top of your white space and Win Descent is the bottom of the white space.

What I did was opened the Tahoma font from my computer and tried to get the dimensions of the font I wanted the same as Tahoma. Good luck and let me know how it went!

Sorry forgot about the second part of your question. I made the clock using a Manila editor program. That was pretty hard too. There was 4 manila files for different set of numbers, I think they were 012, 345, 678, and 9. When opening each file with the Manila Editor, there was an image file for each set. I had to make and image file for each set with the font and color and save them to that manila file replacing to old images. You also have to get the spacing right or else it would cut off some of the numbers. I will post a cab for that clock if it is wanted.
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