Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
This link takes me to a Rapid Share advertisement. There is no download button. But, if I go to the FAQs section I get this:
Which DOWNLOAD RULES have to be followed? (Terms of use)
- Free users have to enter some letters before the downloads start in order to have the permission to use the infrastructure of RapidShare for free.
- Free users may only download a certain amount of Megabytes per hour. If this amount is exceeded, a message will appear.
- If a free user violates this terms of use, RapidShare has the right to permanently ban the free user from the RapidShare network.
- People writing programs with the goal to violate our terms of use will be made fully responsible for the financial losses/damages.
So, it looks like I have to enter "SOME LETTERS" ?
Oh, wait, OK I figured it out. You have to push the "FREE" button and then look for a digital clock that starts ticking. I wasn't looking for the clock. So, you wait for the timer to expire and wizbang shabang! your file is downloaded.
Now, lets see if this baby works!