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Old 01-11-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: Now we know why Verizon agreed to unlock the GPS

Originally Posted by pdub73 View Post
The Microsoft contract doesn't sound like a bad thing...
I agree. M$ needs to kick things into gear for their Mobile platform. The Red Fruit company has been hogging the publicity and Big Red is harping the Storm.

WM 6.5 leading to WM 7 better get a move on. I wonder if the aquistion of Altell will eliminate the legal chip battle I have heard that is at the root of why Big Red's phones are sometimes gimped compared to the same model phone on other carriers (Touch Pro is a fine example, IMHO)

GPS centric applications are becoming more and more prevelant. Geocaching, Geotagging photos, Google, Microsoft & Yahoo all have fine FREE GPS applications and becasue of the competition they are really pushing the boundries.

From reading the forums it appears that things have slowed down on hacking the Omnia GPS, so we might have to wait for VZ to issue the update. The problem is what if they are going to wait for the update to WM6.5 and toss in the GPS release? At that point it will be mid summer! I have a BT GPS receiver, but it sux having to allways remember to bring it.