Re: WM6.1 build 20931 kitchen
TIME FOR A N00B QUESTION!!... OK, I keep seeing build numbers... where-oh-where, in the BuildOS (or, PPC-BuildOS) do you FIND them?!? For that matter, where do you find them for downloading them? Please, DON'T tell me to "install-and-update". DOESN'T WORK. Updater has been "finding" the latest BuildOS (., won't update. (for that matter, won't dl PPCKitchen OEM's. Gets to 99% the fails/rollback). I dl-ed Helmi_c's WM6 Kitchen, WORKS GREAT! However, which version? Don't know. Updateable? Don't know. Can I use "Updater" with it? Again, don't know. How about some N00B answers. And yes, I checked the N00B forum. And No, search fails (depending on the day, fingers crossed, position of tongue, etc.). About 25% of the time, in other words... temp-999