Re: Why is everyone leaving the diamond???
Some people have forgotten that the HTC Touch Diamond is a phone. Most phones out there barely even have 32mb to hold all of the information required to perform correctly. Having 8, 16 or more GB to hold videos and other non pertinent information in a device is unnecessary in a phone. Even in an iPod with 160GB of memory, once you see a video or movie what is the point of keeping on there? Are you going to watch it repeatedly over and over until your battery runs out? I can understand wanting to put music on your phone, but the majority of people don't even listen to 10% of their music collection (390 songs for me). What could you possibly want to have on your phone that you could not have stored on a flash drive that can easily accompany you at all times.
The Diamond is a phone. A phone that can do many wonderful things. It is slim and sexy. Even the people that are turned off by 4GB of internal storage can and will find a way around it. I can barely feel my Diamond in my pocket. Even now that I can easily trade my Diamond in for a TP I would never even imagine myself doing so.