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Old 01-11-2009, 11:22 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Cleanup (Sprint Edition)

Originally Posted by asuh View Post
That said, however, the first time I installed Diamond Tweak and Tour Pro Cleanup together, I didn't have that or other problems like that. It worked fine. I don't know what the right combo is but it might be the order in which both cabs are installed. Maybe it's better if Diamond Tweak is first and then Touch Pro Cleanup. However, I don't know why that would matter anyway.
It's not about order. It's about selections in those programs. Both of them are geared for GSM phones, and they make changes (and sometimes on their own) that adjust the dialer and data connections. This has been the case for ages, and I'm sorry but despite their claims to fix it, they have never done so. It's been like this since the Mogul's release too. Not trying to bash their efforts-- I think they're great on GSM phones-- but users of CDMA devices need to know what they're getting into.

Originally Posted by rjmjr69 View Post
On the clock you changed it to hh:mm:ss did you do that in the registry? its so annoying to see 01:00 I reset it in regional and it keeps going back.
Hmm, I thought I had taken that particular adjustment out, but maybe not. Even if I left it in, changing it in regional settings should stick unless you have another tweak affecting it too. I'll look into that today since I've got some time to work on a few more improvements too.
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