Originally Posted by Cmass
Yes! That does indeed help.
One thing that is a bit confusing: Folks often combine programs. For example, the phone came with a contacts manager that plays well with MS Contacts on the PC. But, installing Shell gives you another contacts manager. But then, some install yet another - dedicated - contacts manager such as Pocket CM or, in my case iContacts. Doesn't this potentially cause what people are referring to as "bricking" the phone?
How do you deal with S2U2 in conjunction with making calls? Right now I have the camera button mapped to S2U2 to lock the screen quickly and I'm trying out the slide to answer feature....which I'm not sure has much benefit.
So, you use Memmaid? Does that negate the need to map a button to the Task Manager? I have considered mapping the top right button to the task manager to quickly close programs but I'm getting sick of having to manually close programs all the time.
Hey, do you use a blue tooth stereo headset by chance? I'm attempting to find a good one so I can use the MP3 player as well as make calls while my phone remains protected in bad weather. A major problem I'm running into: The music cuts out fairly often. It is thoroughly obnoxious. At first I thought it was a transmission problem of the blue tooth itself but now I'm not too sure since the songs appear to come back on in the same spot. I would think if it was a transmission problem a portion of the song would be skipped while it was out. This makes me think there is a problem with the phone playing MP3s. I have also considered that maybe it is being affected by other programs clogging things up or by an Internet connection running in the background but turning all those off does not help.
- Chris
Sorry....missed this one. I don't find the contact managers clash at all really. I don't use the Omnia's at all, and I have a script that makes it so after you set the speed-dials in Shell PocketCm pops up when I hit the 'contacts' button in Shell's speed-dial screen.
I do use Memmaid, but I don't use it as a 'task manager' I prefer a quicker screen like with the HTC one, or magicbutton. Memmaid works great, but to me for 'just' closing apps, a bit more than I want for that 'quick' function.