01-10-2009, 05:23 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pros on Back Order
Originally Posted by circuit breaker
I made 2 calls to Sprint support last week and went to 2 Sprint stores, and a 3rd party retailer. No one could get me a replacement unit ordered or a replacement battery. On my 2nd call to Sprint they offered to replace the unit with another model. I promptly hung up as my TP, while having a slightly raised home key, has no issues aside from the standard battery life.
I know that a new battery's not going to get me different results, but I was laying the ground-work for a -free- second battery. Too bad they called my bluff with the trade-out for a diff model.
No one could give me a timeline, but the 3rd party store said they've been backordered for a month solid.
It's a popular device despite it's faults..
you should've said "yeah,let me get a treo pro!"