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Old 01-10-2009, 04:47 PM
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Mogul for Diamond, swap for Pro?

So I broke the screen on my Mogul of the 23rd, went to the Sprint phone and they refused to fix it even though I had TEP, said I had to go through Assurion, and paid the 50 and ordered the Mogul on the 24th. Now it's been 10 business days and Assurion has no Idea when they will get any in stock, so they offered me the Touch (no wifi) and the Diamond (no Microsd). They say they can't get me a Touch Pro (grrr).

Here's my question. If I take the Diamond and 4 gigglebites isn't enough, what are the odds that I can either swap it out for a Mogul or swap it out for a Touch Pro (please please)?

P.S.: I already Searched for the answer, but I couldn't find an answer. I'll keep looking though.
P.P.S.: Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Feel free to move it.
PHONE HISTORY: Sony Ericsson T61c> LG VX7000 (Charging Port Broke)>LG vx8500 (Chocolate) X5 (Phone was a piece of ****)> LG vx8600> Samsung u740 (I don't even remember by now)> Samsung u740 (No service)> Samsung u740 (10 Dropped calls daily) (Goodbye Verizon) > PPC6800 Mogul)>Moto Q9c> PPC6800 Mogul > PPC6850 Touch Pro (Plus a PPC6900 just for fun)

Last edited by JoeBobOneHalf; 01-10-2009 at 04:53 PM.
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