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Old 01-09-2009, 06:33 PM
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Re: mogul on indefinite backorder!!!....

Glad I checked on here. I was going to ask you insiders what I should do, so if you have any suggestions, please post them!

I lost my Mogul very, very SAD) just before Christmas. I called into Assurion (is that pronounced *** your on??) on the 29th to place my claim for a replacement. They assured me that it would be 7-10 days, just like the OP. Welcome to day 10. No phone.
I called assurion last night, the rep told me not to worry that I would receive my phone, just a computer glitch. When I didnt get it today I went to the local Sprit store and had the manager there call assurion for me. He told them that if they didnt have the Mogul, they should get me an equilavent model. That didnt happen.
I am about to call Sprint on the phone and start complaining there too. I want another Mogul, but I am NOT willing to wait an undetermined amount of time to get one. Assurion has taken my money for insurance for a year and I expect better service.

Rant to call Sprint.
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