Originally Posted by ebmorgan
Oh! COnsider this:
20MB is 12MB short of 32MB. I think Juggs' figures are wrong. Those numbers are suspiciously coincidental...
stock PP is 12 MB, which reads 203.xx mb
subtract 20 from that 203 - 20 = 183 my # are correct.
If Available system memory is 215.xxMb - 32MB PP = 183.xx available ram
If Available system memory is 215.xxmb - 12mb PP = 203.xx MB available system memory.
run devhealth.exe wait 8 days for it to finish and read the log 183.xxMB = 32mb PP it will even tell you it in it the log
i think your figuers are wrong. google is your friend and so is reading on how the pp and memory management works in WM 6.x works, then you can say some one is mistaken. if they actually are. which im not.
attached you will find a read out of my device memory. also since the pro has 256 MB of ram however 39-40 mb of that is reserved for modules, that leaves you with 215-216mb of usable program memory. and you have to subtract your PP from that available memory.
this ends Juggalo_X's class on why he is not mistaken and is 100% correct.