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Old 01-09-2009, 11:04 AM
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Re: Thinking of installing SPB Mobile Shell

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
Attached are the pictures labeled accordingly...

1. For the home.jpg, I want to change the buttoms at the VERY button (where you switch between home, calendar, weather, etc...)
Those are the launcher icons, and yes they can be changed by changing 'Launcher Buttons Style (2)

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
2. For the old_alarm.jpg, when you click the clock on the HOME screen, and then alarms, it takes you to that screen. That alarm doesnt allow you to use certain songs, etc, and I just don't like it as much. Can I remap the alarm button, when click, to go to the other Alarm/Clock program on the omnia...Can the two interface with eachother?
I think it can be done, but I am not good enough with coding to do that, maybe over at XDA they can figure it out.

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
3. For the programs.jpg, I want to change the button set...Which are those under the Spb layout customization? Also, I don't want the Navigation one...Also, Can I go back and add the game pack that came with Spb Shell, and if so, install it on the "My Storage"?
Those icons are 'Launcher Buttons Style (1). You can get rid of the Navigation icon by going into Customize Menu and playing around with that tree there (it can get tricky, so get ready for a challenge) just uncheck the navigation icon and see what it looks like. When you say game pack, do you mean the games SPB sell? If so, certainly....they shouldn't affect Shell at all, and in My Storage is fine.

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
4. For the S2U2.jpg, do you notice how the text is garbled when it is over the CHARGE image? Also, is there anyway to make it NOT a static image. or add a BG image at least to it?
A couple things can be done there. The Omnia draws it's battery info in a unique way that S2U2 (and most other battery apps) can't get an accurate reading on, so the battery won't get that annimated charging function other devices get (YET.....A_C does know about it, so we will see). For now though you have options: You can either have the battery re-done onto a wallpaper so you get the background going and you can lower the battery. (this can be done, but I am not sure how it will look on the Omnia...being able to rotate and all!!!) The other thing you can do is go into S2U2 settings and disable the full-screen batter. That way you have your wallpaper showing durring charging as well!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
5. For the startup.jpg, what in here do I need and what can I get rid of? I don't know what a lot of these do, like AlarmWatcher, LargeDisplay, TimeWizard...
I think those are Samsung items, and I really don't think they are things that can be played with too much (I may be wrong) I wouldn't want to mess-up something needed!!

Originally Posted by pppebble88 View Post
I also notice that under the Today settings, under items, there are a LOT more options than there used to be (I am assuming from SpbMobile Shell)...Is the only one that should be enabled the Spb Mobile Shell?

As always, thanks for all of the help!

Yes, a lot of them are Shell items, and your correct, for the Today plug-in SPB Mobile Shell is the only SPB item you need checked. Just remember there are others you may want to show as well (other apps with Today Plug-ins you have installed).

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