Originally Posted by SupaSnipaX
Any other fix besides flashing? Would love to know =p.
Also... to get off the subject real fast..
Why is it so hard for me to scroll through my contacts? I have to flick it and then it scrolls too fast.. I cant just drag my finger to scroll.
Download: iContact Burt Edition. It is designed as a finger-friendly contacts application and it is much more responsive than the default application. Check it out and if you like it, you can edit TouchFlo3D to use it as its default contacts application.
IF You like iContact BE, you may use SSMAPA to set it as its default.
First upgrade your file picker using instructions from this post:
And then change the poutlook.exe assignment to iContact using SSMAPA:
I use iContact since the default application sucks so much. I will NEVER look back.
Screenshots here: