Originally Posted by Fixup
Then try this instead:
HKLM\Comm\CommMgr\Planner\Settings\SuspendResume = GPRS_bye_if_device_off
Thanks. That is the same edit that DaimondTweak or AdvancedConfig enables, that people were having the issue with originally. That is why the original edit you posted with CDMA, I thought that would have fixed that issue.
Also, I think the unable to answer calls with data connected my be with the HTC phone skin. I will try to enable the WinMo phone skin and see if the results are the same.
But I will give it a try. I am hard resetting my phone right now to get it fresh!
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.