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Old 01-08-2009, 05:33 PM
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Re: International Text Msg

oh my gosh...i just got my new bill and had the exact same charges for 31 international text messages. i just noticed i have another charge on my current billing cycle. i'm worried that i'll end up with 1000 int'l text messages by the end of this billing cycle. i called and chatted with CSR. no help whatsoever. here is the chat i had with the CSR

3:45:00 PM Customer

Last month, i was charged for 31 international text messages and i noticed I have another international text message that went out this new billing cycle
3:45:15 PM Customer
I have never made any outgoing text messages to anybody out of this country
3:50:54 PM Camille B
Please allow a few moments to review the account.
3:53:36 PM Camille B
After thoroughly researching the account, I see that these text were sent and the charges are valid Simon.
3:54:03 PM Customer
i'm telling you i never made any outgoing texts to anybody outside of the US.
3:54:19 PM Customer
i do not even know how to text to somebody outside of this country.
3:54:47 PM Customer
somebody needs to turn off international text messaging on my account because i keep getting charged for something i'm not doing
3:55:21 PM Customer
i wouldn't be wasting my time chatting with you if i made the texts
3:55:48 PM Camille B
I see that this event happened 31 times Simon, has any one had access to this device besides you?
3:55:49 PM Customer
but the fact is i never made any international texts
3:55:53 PM Customer
3:55:57 PM Customer
i have my phone with me all the time
3:56:16 PM Customer
i wasn't even aware of the texts until i got my new bill today
3:56:22 PM Customer
which is why i am contacting you
3:56:49 PM Customer
my new billing cycle started 2 days ago and i already see another international text
3:57:23 PM Camille B
One moment please for further research.
4:01:46 PM Camille B
I also see that you spoke to a representative earlier Simon,
4:02:06 PM Camille B
the supervisor stated they would contact you in a hour.
4:02:09 PM Customer
yeah and she told me a supervisor would call me back but nobody called me back
4:02:10 PM Camille B
is this correct?
4:02:15 PM Customer
it's been over an hour
4:02:54 PM Customer
my concern right now is i'm going to be charged for more of these texts that i haven't been sending
4:03:14 PM Customer
i want somebody to turn off international text messaging on my account so i won't be charged anymore
4:05:25 PM Camille B
I am not able to turn it off,
4:05:56 PM Camille B
this can be done from the device without it being on the account as it is $0.20 for texts sent internationally.
4:06:22 PM Customer
i'm not sending these texts from my phone
4:07:02 PM Customer
how many times do i have to say i have not made any outgoing international texts?
4:09:14 PM Camille B
I understand your frustration Simon.
4:09:43 PM Customer
no you don't b/c you're not helping me and a supervisor has not called me back as promised
4:10:09 PM Camille B
However, I am sure you can understand that we can see that the text are being sent from this device and the charges are valid.
4:10:26 PM Customer
i can pay a $6.20 bill for something I didn't do BUT i am still getting charged for messages i'm not sending
4:10:42 PM Customer
what am i going to do if i end up with 10000 international texts at the end of this billing cycle?
4:10:54 PM Customer
are you going to pay for it?
4:11:35 PM Camille B
You will need to seek fraud assistance at that point, or find out who is using your device to send these texts.
4:12:22 PM Customer
nobody is using my phone but me. unless somebody's sneaking into my bedroom at night and sending text messages, there is nobody else using my phone.
4:12:25 PM Customer
can't you understand that?
4:13:46 PM Camille B
I do understand your frustration as I have been sitting where you are Simon.
4:14:37 PM Customer
what can i do if i'm not sending these texts but being charged for them?
4:14:55 PM Customer
tell me what i can do to prevent anymore int'l text message charges from showing up on my account
4:15:02 PM Camille B
Are you receiving them?
4:15:06 PM Customer
should i break my phone?
4:15:38 PM Customer
i don't have a text message log. i can't tell if they are incoming or outgoing
4:15:44 PM Customer
i thought you had that kind of information
4:16:09 PM Customer
i can give you a list of all of the phone numbers that i have sent text messages to. would you like me to list them all?
4:16:47 PM Camille B
I am not able to see if they are outgoing or incoming as you are charged for both, however, if you are not sending them, you may be receiving them.
4:17:37 PM Customer
from who?
4:17:49 PM Customer
you have to have a log of where texts come from and go to
4:18:39 PM Customer
the customer service woman i spoke to earlier said i was sending text messages to england
4:18:55 PM Customer
how did she know that if you don't have a text msg log?
4:19:07 PM Camille B
You are charged for sending and receiving text Simon.
4:19:13 PM Customer
honestly you're not helping me and i NEED to talk to a supervisor
4:19:37 PM Customer
i have an unlimited plan on my account and have never been charged for receiving or sending text messages
4:20:09 PM Camille B
These are international and that is why you are being charged the $0.20.
4:21:04 PM Camille B
I apologize for your frustration, however, if you would like to speak to a Supervisor about this usage Simon, I will be glad to connect you for further assistance Simon.
4:21:34 PM Customer
yes i need to talk to a supervisor since you are not helping me
4:22:04 PM Camille B
I apologize that you feel that I am not helping you.
4:23:25 PM Camille B
I have tried my best to explain where these international text stem from since you stated the initial $6.20 was not the issue, however, since you are stating you have not sent them there is not other explanation I can lend.
4:23:40 PM Customer
look at this forum thread
4:23:44 PM Customer
looks like i'm not the only one
4:23:45 PM Camille B
4:23:45 PM Customer
4:23:56 PM Customer
the $6.20 is an issue
4:24:01 PM Customer
oh my gosh...
4:24:06 PM Customer
why are you twisting my words around
4:25:01 PM Camille B
I apologize I misunderstood, "I can pay a $6.20 bill for something I didn't do BUT I am still getting charged for messages I'm not sending".

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