Wisbar Advance 3 problems
so, first off i want to say thanks to everyone that posts on here. your knowledge of these subjects exceed what i can only begin to comprehend. fortunately, through enough scouring of the forums and trial and error get to where I need to be, this time though, it's not the case...
I installed tf2d tonight, applied the GODZSON AZUL-T2D skin to it... everything works fine with that.
then I got wa3 installed on my touch (sprint btw)... so i started shopping around for skins. I tried a couple different ones, but they all seem extremely large on the startbar... the default ones that come with wa3 fit fine (screenshot3), but ie. the vista advance v1.0 (screenshot1) and prot'n V2 default (screenshot2) don't seem to fit at all. all the icons and such look oversized.
here's the screenshots ...
i'm sure i'm just overlooking something and i hope that it's just not an issue with the touch, but any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance