Re: A challenge to all gurus: Help me keep my phone!
Made it back alive! Plowed the Jeep (slowly) through 1 1/2 feet of water at the bottom of my driveway. Mudslides, avalanches, flooding have closed all 3 passes and may close I-5 - and if that happens, it would for all practical purposes cut off much of Western Washington from the rest of the country. Interesting evening...
I just tried the cursor hack so that my cursor arrow went from white to orange, so I know something is working right!
The sliders seem to have "taken" as well. This time I didn't immediate soft reset after changing the value.
Much nicer! A cool orange cursor and larger sliders!!
I'm getting happier.....
Now concerning the Manila 2D - or whatever the hell it's called:
There appears to be a lot of confusion out there concerning this (or these) programs. I've read about Manila 2D, Touchflo 2D, Manila 3D, Touchflo 3D, TF3D, Manila Touch Flo 3D and so forth and so on. There also appears to be other required apps that may or may not be bundled with and may or may not be require to run the initial download. Also, some apparently work with QVGA devices and others only with VGA.
From what I can tell, 2D and 3D are probably different (perhaps 3D incorporates flipping pages like Spb Shell??) but I'm not sure about Manila and Touchflo. In some discussions people say they are the same thing, while in others people say they are different. In some threads people complained that Touchflo 2D doesn't work right in the Omnia whereas the M2D does work but only with a certain download sequence and moon lining up with Venus.
This is how I'm attempting to approach this:
Narrow down the names,
Define what these programs are and their differences,
What they provide,
Where to download THE MOST RECENT versions. I THINK the latest version is 20?? (Some of the links sent me to a site that wanted money to use their services while others sent me to irrelevant ads and no downloads)
A list of their idiosyncrasies, bugs that need to be patched and WHERE to find those downloads.
Then finally, a list of all the nifty ways you can decorate and configure.
Last edited by Cmass; 01-08-2009 at 03:02 AM.