KK's Loaded ROM v1.8
As with ANY cooked ROM, you are flashing at your own risk. I am NOT responsible for breaking your phone.
Ok. When I first joined PPCGeeks, I had a Mogul and I had no idea what I was doing... I loaded one of the Colonel's ROMs that was packed full of applications. I didn't use 1/2 of them but I learned a lot. In that spirit, I am attempting to build a loaded ROM with everything including the kitchen sink. This is my first public ROM so some slack is appreciated. I would also appreciate any suggestions on what to add the the ROM.
The contents of this ROM were gathered from the work of many. I would like to thank Colonel, Juggalo_X, Juicy_47, Calku, NexVision, No2Chem, eRice and all the other chefs a PPCGeeks and XDA.
This was built and tested on a Sprint Touch Pro but will probably work with other carriers.
This ROM is using TF3D HD. There is NO LANDSCAPE in TF3D.
[+] Upgrade Omniano to The Band Edition
[+] Updated HTC Footprints - Much better
[+] Added the glass envelope to TF3D
[+] Upgraded the Web Video Downloader to the latest.
[+] Added the reg tweaks from the CameraModeMods cab.
[+] Tweaks to the Touch Sensitivity.
[+] Updated to the Custom KK Action Screen (Thanks tsousan)
[+] Added the Action Screen Settings App
[+] Added the native Facebook App from WM6.5 Roms. (A little touchy but works.)
[+] Updated to the Sensor SDK 4.0.1911.1826 from the Diamond 2
[ ] I tried to get the new TCPMP working in the ROM. It does work but I cannot automate the install. It is painful enough to get it working manually. Doing it via customizations isn't possible.
[ ] Moved Palringo and BeeJive to the internet folder.
[ ] Tweaked some other stuff that I don't remember.
[ ] I cannot get the shortcut in my GAlarm OEM to work, so that is still missing.
[+] CE OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015 -- From the SSK Kitchen - No time to do the work myself. Thnx scrosler
[+] FingerMenu - Grey
[+] Calculator from TP 2 (Has a landscape mode. Slide out the KB)
[+] SuperArcadePack Games moved to OEM
[+} 9 Button VGA Action Screen
[+] Scrobble - Scrabble knock off.
[+] Whiskers http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=475005
[+] TotalCommander
[+] G-Alarm
[+] Extra Texting Lines when sending SMS
[+] CE OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954
[+] Upgraded Pandora
[ ] Notifications now pop-up correctly.
[ ] Changed Opera Mobile User Agent settings to 2
[ ] Corrected Teeter vibration feedback when the ball hits the wall.
[+] Upgrade Google Maps to
[+] Show more of the email messages in TF3D
[+] Move alarm idicator to the top curtain on TF3D home screen.
[+] Added TF3D HD People Tab
[+] Removed duplicate Camera and Calc Icons (There are 2 calc icons. Pointing to differnt calcs)
[+] Wolf Translator
[+] Mobile Manager for Netflix
[+] GPS Tweaks (Eliminates some of the GPS lag)
[+] Upgrade to MS Live Search 4.1.2029.1
[+] Move Opera from a cab to and OEM. This will speed up customizations.
[+] HTC Weather Master
[+] FootPrints Update
[+] SecondToday (Is not configured just available.)
[+] OZ IM
[+] Pocket Video Poker
[ ] Fix the ability to open .txt files from main storage. (Please test this.)
[ ] Fix the fact that T9 Keeps turning off
[ ] Changed some more color from Green to Grey.
[+] File System Performance Tweaks
[+] WIFI Performance Tweaks
[+] SD Card Performance Tweaks
[+] HTC Footprints Geotagging APP(This is beta and has bugs but works ok.
The TF3D tab for this app is not there - Just the app.) Shortcut is in the media folder.
[+] StopWatch 2.0
[+] GWatch 0.51
[+] Omniano (A Piano App)
[+] In Call Recording App is installed and works.
[+] WaterLevel v2
[-] Old Stopwatch App
[ ] FYI - The first boot customizations take even longer now. Seems like forever. Be patient.
[+] Web Video Downloader
[+] Trapster Mobile 2 - Tracks speed cams and such.
[+] Corrected TF3D HD Font colors for some tabs.
[+] Working comm-manager tab doesn't disable the tab customization under TF3D settings.
[ ] Disabling direct push on the communications tab in TF works correctly.
[-] Removed TaskFacade (I believe this is the cause of the battery drain for some users)
[ ] Press and hold send button unassigned. Program it for whatever you want. (Used to be TaskFacade.
[+] Transparent Flip Clock
[+] Semi-Transparent Bottom Curtain
[ ] Fixed Album Shortcut
[+] dci Battery Meter (thnx gspitman)
[+] Upgrade games pack
[ ] HD Manila Laucher (Start) is hidden in task manager
[+] Home Screen Includes upto 5 Calendar Items
[ ] Fixed the Communications Tab (Clicking on the items actually does something now.)
[+] nueFonts
[-] lvmTopBat
[+] TouchFlo3D HD - DaryelV's Hybrid TF3D (The stocks tab is there.)
[+] Palringo
[+] BeeJive
[ ] This ROM has the Neon theme from DaryelV's Hybrid TF3D. This might stay or go based on feedback.
[ ] The TF3D home screen has "Touch Diamond" at the top. I will clean that up later.
[+] TCPMP w/ Flash, h264 and AC3 support. (Give a PIE error when launching some flash videos but works ok.)
[+] A ton of new games via the TOUCH PRO SUPER ARCADE BETA V3.3 cab.
[ ] Started cleaning up some of the colors in the rom. Getting rid of some of the green.
Please try TCPMP and let me know what is working and isn't working. I did some testing but nothing too indepth.
[+] Opera Mobile 15316 - Loades much faster.
[+] Juggalo's Flash Bundle
[+] MS Live Search 4.0.12158.1 with Bird's Eye View
[ ] Opera, LVM Battery Meter, Live Search and Google Maps are installed during cusomizations.
[ ] They can be removed / upgraded if needed.
[ ] The autorun customizations take a while, just wait.
Overall this ROM seems faster. Let me know what you think.
[+] Weather Database Editor
[+] SmartPhone Tracker
[+] LVMTopBat
[+] HTC CDMA Slide to Answer Phone Canvas in Black
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 Build 15308
[+] Audio Manager 1.6.18221325_0
[+] BTFTP 1.2.33309.91
[+] Audio Booster 2.0.18192227.0
[+] Comm Manager
[+] Concurrence Manager 1.2.18192826.0000
[+] DShow 081111.0
[+] HTC Message
[+] Random Access 4.1.18222125.0
[+] Streaming Media 3.0.18221528.00
[+] Youtube 1.6.1822.2028
[+] D3D Drivers from the Sprint leaked Diamond Rom
[-] Vistahide Battery Monitor
[ ] The slowness and lag when using the keyboard in landscape is fixed.
[ ] Many thanks to Juggalo and OMJ for their work on the leaked Diamond Rom.
[+] CE OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109
[+] Barcorama - This app is a little picky on the barcode scanning but works.
[+] Pocket Last.FM
[+] LoudTalks Mobile
[ ] ClearStorage Fixed
[ ] GPS Fixed -- Thanks for the guidance Juggalo
[ ] Moved cabs folder from the Start Menu to \Cabs
[+] Added Task Facade 3.8.5
[+] Sensory Overload
[+] Diamond Hologram
[+] DiamondTV
[+] AmaZeGPS
[+] Mobile Web Server
[+] Mocha FTP Server
[+] Pandora Radio (Not VGA - There are some display issues but it works.)
[+] ATI D3D Drivers from the Diamond
[ ] Upgrade Real Dice Poker to VGA version
[ ] Fixed MusicID Shortcut
[ ] Press and hold the "green" button brings up TaskFacade
[ ] 3D Games and Youtube are very smooth now.
[ ] Fixed GPS - Now works with the usual GPS apps.
[+] CE OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954
[+] StopWatch
[+] Real Dice Poker
[+] Pocket TeaTimer
[+] AudibleAir Player
[+] NavTetris
[+] KeyPass Password Manager
[+] GPS Today w/ GeoMail and GeoTagger Application
[+] Ticker Tape (Stocks)
[+] GInvaders G-Sensor Game
[-] lunarTilt (Background was messed up.)
[+] Updated HTC Social Networkings / Album - Works now. Thnx Juggalo
[+] LightSaber
[+] LunarTilt G Sensor Game
[+] hTorch
[ ] Updated to a modified version of Juggalo's Manila theme
[ ] IR / Beam is automatically disabled on install.
[ ] XT9 is turned off by default.
Internet Explorer
NetCF 3.5
Office Mobile
OneNote Mobile
Remote Desktop
Diamond Cubes
Distant Galaxies
Pocket Sand
Pocket Sudoku
1-Calc Lite
Adobe PDF Le
Advanced Config Tool 3.3
Battery Monitor
Diamond TF3D Config 0.6.7
Diamond Tweak 0.5.3
FdcSoft Task Manager 3.1
Flip It
Mobile Monger 1.1
MusicID 1.3.16
Obex Inbox
PHM NotePad
PHM Registry Editor
PIM Backup
Pocket RAR 3.8
Spb Screenshot
Touch Response
VNC Enterprise Viewer
aGPS Config
Enlarge Start Menu
JBed Java
GPS Tool
Large Title Bar
Long Press End Key
Network Plugin
Random Access
Task Manager
TouchFlo 3.0.29946.52
UC Autorun
Volume Control
dotFred Task Manager
Omnia D3D
Adobe Flash 3.1
Opera Mobile
Modified Telus Manilla
While Flip Clock
No2's FastCharge - Enabled
Windows Live Search
Google Maps
Sprint Nav 2.1.7
Audio Booster
Audio Manager
MP3 Trimmer
Social Networking
Voice Recorder
Worldcard Mobile
Black Phone Canvas
Outlook Enhancement
Picture Enhancement
Pocket Picasa
VistaHide Battery Guage
Known issues:
Several icons are not in folder on the Start Menu
To do:
Add a bunch of other progs.
Remove the cabs folder from the start menu.