I know this is going to sound bad, but here it goes. I'll explain my situation first. My phone is a little physically damaged, I'm also having the common bluetooth, keyboard, reception issues on my Mogul. They wont replace it over the phone. If I take it into the store their going to say everything is working fine, but they aren't using it day in and day out. I know it's having these problems.
So, I'm going to brick the phone. Then they'll have to replace it. I'm cool with getting a new mogul, but dont want a refurb. I didn't pay for a refurb, so why should I get a refurb. Also, my phones only 4 months old.
So, how do I brick my Mogul? Can I just get the stock rom and unplug it when it says not to, or will the techs be able to fix that. Any recommendations please. Thanks.