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Old 01-07-2009, 02:50 PM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post
Flashed it, i don't see it respond as fast as Juggalo's or Dreams.
Also what new font ?
Normally I keep my opinions to myself....ok no I don't but I found this rather rude. It is or it isn't faster...I think it's rude to directly compare the way you did. Sure stating so and so has this or that isn't so bad but to directly state what you did is rude...maybe it's just me I don't know.
"Why do people who make more money have to be so stupid?"
"If you can't figure out something simple like how to use Google to search, don't even try flashing your phone!"

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