Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
Its a tree view.
So navigate where you need to go.
For example, if you were going to turn off the keyboard autopopup, you would go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, expand it, go to ControlPanel, expand it, then click on Sip.
THen you would modify the appropriate value in there.
Shorthand would be HKCU\ControlPanel\Sip
Setting: TurnOffAutoDeploy
Value: 1
There, see how easy that was? The problem I was not finding the menu option in the editor for seeing the numbers. I was only seeing the folders.
But how about this one? I don't see any folder with HKLM. I do find HKEY but not HKLM. I also find SYSTEM as well as GWE under HKEY .... but then no cyHScr = 9
And then as far as the altered settings go, is the #9 in this string:
HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = 9
the NEW value that is to replace the old value of 13. Also, which is larger, 12 or 14?
Change the thickness of scrollbars
To change the thickness of the scrollbars at the right/bottom of documents larger than the screen, adjust...
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cyHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
For the vertical (right) scrollbar:
HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)
The default thickness is 13. You can set the value to anything you may like