Originally Posted by Tech Addiction
If you want to edit the file yourself use notepad and open the manila file up the original code looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<xliff version="1.0" lang="en-us">
<file datatype="plaintext" original="Home">
<header />
<trans-unit id="IDS_HOMETITLE">
<trans-unit id="IDS_DATEFORMAT">
<source>MMM d, yyyy</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_APPOINTMENTS">
<trans-unit id="IDS_MAINVIEW">
<source>Main View</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_MISSEDCALLCOUNT">
<source>%d Missed Call</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_MISSEDCALLSCOUNT">
<source>%d Missed Calls</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_NOMISSEDCALL">
<source>Call History</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_NEWVOICEMAIL">
<source>New Voicemail</source>
<source>%d New Voicemails</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_NOAPPOINTMENTS">
<trans-unit id="IDS_PHONE">
<trans-unit id="IDS_PROGRAMS">
<trans-unit id="IDS_ALLDAY">
<source>All Day</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_ALARMOFF">
<source>Alarm Off</source>
<trans-unit id="IDS_CALENDAR">
<trans-unit id="IDS_CONTACTS">
<trans-unit id="IDS_HOMEZONE">
<trans-unit id="IDS_CITYZONE">
<source>%d New Voicemail</source>
So whatever you don't want you just have to delete the text between the <source></source>
attached is my manila file that gives you the date and the cab that removes the call history icons and dotted lines. The functions are still there you just don't see them.
You wouldn't happen to know which manila file is used for the email tab would you? I have been trying to find someone on here that can heklp me fix the missing link to VZW sync email. I'm sure if we find the right file it could be edited to pick up the Sync account. I got rid of Sprint Picture Mail but the envelop is stil on the TF3D tab so it should be easy to find in the code if I knew which file to edit.