Originally Posted by aceracer24
I have an app that seems to convert to OEM ok but when it's actually on the phone, it looks like it attempts to run then nothing after that. You are far more skilled at this, do you mind taking a look at the app and see if it's just me or just not possible to OEM it? It's the app Seven for emails.
FYI if you do try and you manage to get it to run, this version is known to make your phone freeze up on the very first startup. A soft reset will resolve the issue and the app should startup once rebooted and you shouldn't have any more issues.
Here is an older version I think. I attempted this once before. The problem with seven is it runs its setup at startup, and that sorta conflicts with the regular/conventional way that things get done. I'll take another look at it. I think this version I actually ran for a week or two, give this a try...
OEM_Seven_Mobile_Email_v7.1.5beta..............Seven Mobile Email v7.1.5(beta) Consumer Edition
edit: Looking at the OEM again, a way around that would be comment out the line in the initflashfiles.txt that copies the \windows\startup link, and then use UC (usercustomization) to copy the file so it runs on second boot. And check out s4.cereg with notepad, you may need to set it with your deviceid as well....