Originally Posted by RockSta®
Ohh Goodie, another thread to complain.
You go to every one of these threads and complain on how it's another thread. Wouldn't it be easier to ignore these threads instead of visiting each of them and *****ing?
To the thread opener, this is what I did to make me love my phone again.
I had all the issues you had. Phone was actually running slower than my mogul. I would press the "X" button and some time fight with it for half a minute because it would close if hit twice.
Originally Posted by syanni85
try juggalos rom and up the page pool to 32mb or 48mb... after you set it all up, play with it for a few minutes (fill up that page pool)... then you should seriously fly!
I'm in no way dissappointed with the speed of juggalos rom, but every other rom i've tried is slower and choppy.
Also, in advanced config 3.3
-----File system cache size= set to 8mb
-----file system filter cache= set to 131072 sectors
-----Glyph cache= set to 128KB
then, using Diamond TF3D config, use tweak#1-4
this is all i do to speed up the performance on juggalos rom, and for once in my rom-flashing life, i will be sticking to a rom that is satisfying.. and i am a VERY picky person when it comes to fluidity.