Re: Internet Sharing...WM 6.1
Brand new HTC Mogul. Updated to Windows 6.1. I get to HKLM\Comm\ConnectionSharing and there is no Settings. Instead I get :3 folders---Addresses,Driver,InternalExposed----9 files+Add value+,DisabledOnBoot,EnableAddressTranslation,Ena bleDhcpAllocator,EnableDnsProxy,EnablePacketFilter ing,PrivateInterface,Plubicinterface,SetLastDhcpAd drToIEH. I just switched over to Sprint from Att. I had a HTC 3125 and was able to teather with ATT (no hacks needed) for the last 5 years. I was told by Sprint that I would be able to do this if I bought this mogul and a Everything Plan. I did and cannot. Any help would be appericated..I dont like to be lied to now Im stuck for two years...