Originally Posted by Glossman
I added PIE to the build notes. I assumed it was understood that, if IE6 isn't indicated, then PIE is installed. I've never seen a ROM without one of the two. But thanks for pointing it out.
As for the Vista Blue TF3D theme, I've had little luck in creating a working OEM for it using OEMizer. I'd love to build it in, but until I figure out what I'm doing wrong, I need to do it this way.
You can have a rom w/o PIE if you want, and since you didn't initially list it (along with Office, Enterprise, etc) I assumed it was removed. In terms of sys, it's generally more informational, if you just let users know what was removed from the sys (since there's lots in there).
For your Manila OEM, don't use OEMizer for this, use Ervirus' package tool. OEMizer is good for some things, but a Manila Package is not one of them. Or, you coud prolly just replace the Manila files in a pre-made packge with yours, and cook away.
You're welcome.