Originally Posted by hyakku
the Telus rom will still work on sprint phones though, right Juggalo?
Quick few questions too:
1. Your rom is pretty zippy but I notice it also has similar keyboard lag issues sometimes. It seems yay4juggs is the only one that was able to nearly eliminate this, is this going to be in the new .06 release?
2. In addition, your opera loads the quickest I believe, but scrolls a bit choppier than Juggs, this isn't really an issue but having both the fastest load time and the smoothest rendering would perfect your rom to me, as everything else runs excellently.
Thanks for all the work juggalo
Yes the telus rom will work on sprint no issues just the sprint software will not, like sprint tv. you can try it tho, if it works ill be amazed
also i have a faster version of opera but i haven't gotten it to my liking yet.
the telus v0.06B will have my new Fully custom manila in it. there are two very very minor graphical things i will address in a hot fix later on.
oh yah, and you guys will appreciate the new an improved phone canvas, unfortunately tho it will NOT be in cab form as i dont want to pick through my oem to cab it. sorry On the flipside, i hope the new SLIDE TO UNLOCK/ANSWER Phone Canvas will defeat the purpose of the use of my nemesis program... S2U2