I haven't been able to get provxml to work either for WIFI, but i do have a _setup.xml file in a cab that works just fine. Here's the code:
<characteristic type="Wi-Fi">
<characteristic type="access-point">
<characteristic type="Solarflare">
<parm name="Authentication" value="4"/>
<parm name="Encryption" value="4"/>
<parm name="NetworkKey" value="yourpasswordhere"/>
Put that code in notepad and save the file as _setup.xml
put the file in your C:\ drive and then bring up a command prompt
type cd\
then type makecab _setup.xml MyWiFiSettings.CAB
You should be good to go. You can put that cab in u'r ext rom or just run from a storage card etc.
I setup my exchange mail the same way. All other settings i use .rgu file.