First I don't suggest using provxml unless you have to (i.e. exchange and other e-mail set up, file operations, etc.). The stuff you describe (with the exception of Wifi which I couldn't even get to work right using provxml) can all be done just with an RGU file.
The benefit of RGU over provxml is that it's less picky. With provxml if there's a mistake or problem with your file the entire file gets thrown out without being processed with no log or any other kind of information to use to figure out where the problem lies.
With an RGU you will get an error from buildOS if there's a problem in your rgu--it even identifies what line number the problem occurred on.
Anyway today items are stored in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Today and Sounds are set in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\]
What I suggest doing is get these set up manually the way you like em and then use a reg editor to export those keys. You can then copy and paste those entries direct into an rgu file in a "custom settings" OEM file.
Oh and if you ever get wifi working via provxml let me know. I've tried a few times but it always hangs my device on hard reset.