Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
Enter reghack #121233443532412354567
How to increase your scrollbar width. My bars are finger friendly.
Change the values for cyHScr and cxVScr to something like 17 or 18.
Soft reset.
Or import this reg file.
OK, now I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I imported the file and tried to run it. "There is no program associated" with this application.
However, I did finally get the iContacts program to open without an error message. But if I click on it, it just brings up a black and white version of my regular contacts program. Hmmmm....
Perhaps I'm wrong but when I visit the download site and the forum where this is discussed, this program appears much like a program made by developers for developers. I find myself spending a lot of time trying to figure out what the hell they are talking about.